• Furn el Chebbak, 50th Street, Nassar Building

Local matters

Who is Upload ?

Founded in 2017, Urban Planning and Local Authorities Development, UPLoAD, is a young consultancy company, however with over thirty years cumulative experience of its founding members. UPLoAD is committed to developing best informed and advanced researches and studies that embody a contemporary interpretation of Planning, Governance, Local Development, Urban and Territorial Policies, Services Delivery in Context of Humanitarian Crisis and Evaluation and Organizational Development. With a vision of the future of cities, urban and rural areas based on the social, political and economic needs of their inhabitants and communities, UPLoAD endeavors to provide the right tools, strategies and policy guidance for their human, social and spatial development.

UPLoAD works mainly with local development actors, including deconcentrated and decentralized authorities, the associative sector and international organizations involved in humanitarian response and territorial development schemes. 


We care for resources

Guided by Commitment

A Team of Professionals

Our Skills

As researchers, UPLoAD staff have led research projects and published in academia, and acted as consultants for international agencies and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs).

As professionals, they have been involved in the development of local and territorial development strategies, as well as in the search for creative solutions to fill urgent gaps in the delivery of public services and evaluation of programs.

In addition to the professional interest, local development and social cohesion represent a personal and collective commitment for the UPLoAD team and associates.